These materials are being offered free of charge for use by educators in post-secondary institutions. Other uses are prohibited.
All materials are copyright Choice Point Solutions, Inc.
These materials are being offered without guaranty or warranty, and Choice Point Solutions, Inc. assumes no liability for the consequences of their use.
No copying, modification, disassembly, or reverse-engineering is permitted.
It is not permitted to post these materials, in whole or in part, or any link to them, in any online forum (although educators are free to post links in a non-public place, such as a Learning Management System or Course Outline, for their students’ use).
These materials are subject to modification without notice.
Choice Point Solutions, Inc., reserves the right to stop offering these materials at any time, without notice, although the intention of Choice Point Solutions, Inc., is to make these resources available to educators indefinitely.
These Terms are subject to modification without notice.